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Hi! Its the most wonderful time of the year! Its officially the season of Advent and everyone is excited especially the kids who are doing everything in their powers to be well behaved and get good grades in school so that Santa can be nice to them this Christmas...LOL. The most exciting part for the whole family is getting everyone together to celebrate the birth of Christ and enjoy the holiday with so much joy and happiness. People travel from far and near to see their family, parents, siblings and friends whom they've probably not seen in a long exciting! Family is priceless and having a loving warm family to spend time with at this time of the year is a beautiful thing to enjoy.

Lets talk about putting up the Christmas Tree!

How many people have their trees up already? How early or how late should one put up their Christmas tree? Personally, I don't really care when it goes up to be honest I just make sure its set 1-2 weeks before Christmas eve but the kids will not let me and their dad have peace. As soon as its the 1st of December, they basically cannot keep calm because they start the count down with their Cadbury Christmas Calendar and reading all the messages that comes with every open window therefore the tree should be set immediately. All in all, that is actually what sets the festive season in motion, having a well decorated tree with bright lights in the living area is a beauty to exciting.

The Presents!

How far do you go with cash and spending during this season especially on presents? It is often scary to go on a budget at this time of the year, most people like me always go over the budget no matter how hard I try to cut down on expenses. Treating my kids is one of the things I love to do, it brings so much joy to my heart to see them happy. I teach them to be appreciative and contented with what they have because life is different for everyone and people can only give what they can afford at a time. The key is to start an early discussion about what they would love to have from Santa which gives you an idea of what exactly to get them and how much money you are willing to spend on presents. My kids love to do their Christmas Wish List in their little diaries which I get to take a pick from when they are in school,it guides me with my shopping. I try to get them most of the things they enjoy eating and make their favourite meals which we all enjoy at home together because Christmas is a special time to spend with the family.

The Food!

What are you going to be serving your family this Christmas? What is your family's favourite food to enjoy during Christmas? I live in London United Kingdom and if I don't get to travel back home we do it the British way with roasted Turkey, gravy, pudding etc I spend most of my holiday with my family back home in Nigeria, we have the most amazing time with lots and lots of food, different varieties of Nigerian delicacy to choose from. The best part is you don't have to be the one to cook, my husband comes from a very big family and we always have lovely, kind relatives who come to help and take care of all the grand children running around which gives me time to rest and spend time with other adults/attend lots of occasions/weddings and visit my mum and siblings. Hopefully i'll be sharing some more food ideas and recipes to guide you with cooking this Christmas. Wish everyone a very merry festive season with lots of love and best wishes!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!


  1. Tree. The kids have forgotten to ask about Christmas tree thus year because they are obsessing about travelling for the holidays.

    As for the presents, my kids understand that if wishes were horses, so we try not to put super expensive items on our wish list


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