Hey! Happy New Year everyone, welcome to 2018 a special year of favour, blessings, grace, positive energy, happiness, love and great achievements. Did anyone make any New Year Resolutions? I personally did not make any resolutions per say because as a human being I struggle just like anyone else would so I just take everyday as it comes while praying for grace and strength to keep doing the right thing no matter how bad things might get especially with situations you have absolutely no control over, you leave it to fate. Life is all about what you make of it no matter how little. I try to appreciate the littlest things in life while hoping for the bigger things to fall into place. CONTENTMENT is key to a happy life trust me I know that for sure, it is without a doubt the best way to go through your daily life. Looking at other peoples lifestyle and trying to "Keep Up with The Joneses" when you honestly know that you cant afford that lifestyle will only push you into doin...
Thank you!